Ultimate STEAM Bundle

This bundle is perfect for in-class and extended learning programs!!  The Ultimate databot STEAM Bundle is the perfect starter package for getting started with databot across a wide range of topics and learning environments. The package includes 20 kits which enables 1:1 use in computer labs and easily accommodates classes of 3o students working in pairs.  In addition it includes building licenses for two premium curriculum titles, Missions with LEGO® Robotics and The Discovery of Data Summer Camp.  To provide a complete solution, the bundle also includes a building license for all three of our basic training modules totaling 3 hours of instruction. This bundle provides a complete solution for your staff and program that will get your organization up to speed in no time.


What’s Included?


Ultimate databot STEAM education bundle book covers and kits.

databot Kits (20)

  • databot (20)
  • USB Cable (20)
  • External Temperature Probe (20)
  • Lanyard (20)
  • Explorer Pouch (20)

Premium Curriculum Titles (Building License / Digital Download):

  • The Discovery of Data Summer Camp (200+ pages)
  • Missions with LEGO® Robotics (130+ pages)

Training Modules (Building License / LMS Delivered Videos)

  • Onboarding Basics
  • Classroom Management
  • Curriculum Integration

Lesson Resources

  • Coding Starters (30+ activities introducing physical computing)
  • Sensor Starters (12 Lessons, 2 lessons each introducing scientific concepts through sensor play)
  • Open Content Library (Drone Missions, Data Mysteries, Design Challenges, Technical How-Tos for Arduino, IOT, and more)
  • NGSS Lesson Generator (A custom trained GPT for generating lesson plans to meet science standards using databot)


  • Vizeey Smart App (IOS & Android & Chromebooks)
  • MicroBlocks® (Open source and free, browser based physical computing environment) Win/MacOS/Linux/Chromebooks
  • Arduino IDE (Free and Open Source software and hardware ecosystem, all libraries provided for databot sensors and physical computing)
  • Microsoft Excel Data Streamer (Windows 11, Office 360)
  • Python, Micropython and a variety of other tools can be used with databot.
For Grades 4 and Up

databot is presently being used in multiple   Younger students will benefit significantly from live interaction with sensor data and being introduced to collecting and visualizing it. This is a foundation for building strong data literacy.  Older students can easily be challenged at a higher level in the camp experience as well.  Regardless of age, the data games and challenges are fun for all and bring data to life in fascinating ways.

Technical Requirements

For fast and easy  sensor experiments the only technical requirement is to have a smart device (IOS or Android) such as a tablet, smartphone, or Chromebook with Bluetooth to connect to databot™.  Download our free app, Vizeey™, connect to databot, and you’re up and running!

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 5.5 × 12 in

Vizeey™ Smart App

Vizeey™ – Fast & Easy Data Collection, Visualization, and Analysis!

Vizeey display screen with summer camp icons.What is Vizeey?

The databot™ Discovery of Data camp comes with the free app Vizeey™ (IOS, Android, Chromebook) for visualizing, collecting, analyzing, and exporting data. This incredible app makes interacting with live sensor data a snap.  Students will use Vizeey for visualizing and interacting with live data during the Discovery of Data experiences.  Vizeey™ is so easy to use your students will be inspired to explore with data all the time!

Vizeey™ is preconfigured for you and your students to easily capture data from all of the onboard databot™ sensors. Custom experiments for the Discovery of Data Camp have been developed to make data analysis fun and easy for students.  Simply tap an icon and the preconfigured experiment will load, you connect to your databot™  and begin the experiment!



Vizeey data display from several summer camp activities.How Does Vizeey™ Work?

The Vizeey images shown here are from the “You Spin Me Round” lesson. The first image is a gamified challenge in which a student holds databot on the top of their head and tries to turn at a perfect rate of 10 revolutions per minute (RPM).  Prepare for a dizzying challenge!  The second graph displays the RPMs for a Big Wheel challenge and students zoom in on data to determine the maximum speed reached by the wheel.  Awesome and EASY explorations of real data!






Vizeey™ Video Demonstration – 60 Second Setup!


databot Curriculum

Our mission at databot is to make interacting with and understanding data and technology a beautiful, fun, and ubiquitous experience that crosses the traditional boundaries of all learning environments. The world is driven by data and we are driven to teach future generations how to use it for good. We create data powered technology and brilliant learning activities that empower students everywhere to think deeply, explore with passion, and solve our planetary scale challenges.

databot was created to function as a highly versatile, multi-purpose tool capable of enhancing activities in all the core sciences as well as STEAM topics such as coding and physical computing.   We offer various types of lesson plans and activities that range from quick and easy starters to more in-depth classroom explorations. In addition, there are a number of how-to’s and getting started tutorials for using databot in other applications such as Excel, programming with MicroBlocks® or Python, etc. Read on to learn more about the resources available to educators using databot.

Sensor Starters

databot Sensor Starters are a great way for students (and educators) to quickly get familiar with the sensors on board databot and their capabilities.  Each sensor starter includes background information that explains how the sensor works, what it is sensing, what are the units used, how it is used in the real world, and even where it lives on databot!  Once background information has been reviewed, there are two engaging activities that immediately put students into engaging, interactive experiences with live sensor data!  

Snapshot of 2 pages from the accelerometer sensor starter.

Explore Sensor Starters in the Lessons & Activities section of the website and see how easy and how much fun science with sensors can be!

Coding Starters

Easy to follow Coding Starter activity cards walk educators and students, step-by-step, through beginning to advanced topics. Each Coding Starter includes 2-3 activities that can be done in about 15 minutes and focus on specific skills over a sequence of time.

Coding Starter activity card showing the block code for reading a light sensor.

Explore Coding Starters in the Lessons & Activities section of the website and see how easy and how much fun coding for science with sensors can be!


databot Explorations are one-hour units designed to meet specific learning objectives and standards across a wide variety of subjects ranging from physics and chemistry to earth science and biology.  These Explorations provide you with comprehensive materials to prepare for your lesson:

  • Background information
  • Pre-configured experiments that you load into the Vizeey app
  • Four experiments consisting of two short activities, a l0nger experiment, and a challenge / extension.
  • Additional resources for deeper investigations
  • Guiding questions for discussion
  • Data sheets
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Standards alignments   

Side by side sample pages from a databot Exploration learning module.

Tour databot Explorations in the Lessons and Activities section of our website to to see an Exploration module in-depth.

Discovery of Data Summer and Enrichment Camp

databot Camp curriculum provides a detailed, day-by-day roadmap for facilitating engaging, unique, data driven STEAM experiences.  Ideal for after-school and summer camp programs these camp manuals are designed to make implementation simple for staff members ranging from high school volunteers to professional educators.  The daily guides and resources provide all the details you will need to guide discussion, facilitate awesome experiences with students as they explore math, physics, chemistry, and earth science through physical interactions with sensor data.

Side by side sample pages from the Discovery of Data summer camp curriculum.


databot Missions are career oriented experiences that pose various real-life scenarios that students must solve through the creative application of data collection and analysis.  Missions are designed around various STEAM devices popular in classrooms such as the following “Volcanic Vistas” designed around the popular Tello drone.  

Side by side sample pages of a databot drone based mission called Volcanic Vistas

Another mission example is the 130+ page  databot Missions with LEGO® Robotics curriculum which provides a comprehensive manual for LEGO® Robotics educators to integrate data collection and analysis using sensors into their current program. 

Side by side sample pages from the Missions with LEGO Robotics mission guide.

Detailed How-Tos and Technical Guides

Whether you are looking to use databot fast and simple out of the box using Vizeey or an uber-geek looking to create an automated greenhouse complete with IOT dashboards and sensor controlled watering systems databot has what you need.  Visit our technical library for details on coding environments, software integrations such as Excel or Python, and extensive documentation on pinouts, datasheets, and the technical information you need for creating just about anything you can imagine.

Side by side images of how to documents for technical uses of databot such as coding.


These are just a few examples of how people are using databot™. Visit our Youtube Channel for more!

Meet databot™ 2.0!!

Missions with LEGO® Robotics

Drone Lovers Rejoice!

Hackers, Geeks, and Creators Group Hug!

Science Adventures with Sakshi!

Even Pirates Love databot™!

Visit our Youtube Channel to watch databot™ fans all over the world exploring data in hundreds of exciting ways!

Table of Contents: Camp

Discovery of Data Summer Camp

Table of Contents
Day 1: So Inclined!

Math and science come together in this extraordinary exploration of angles using the force of gravity as an inclinometer.  Students catch angles, measure with sensors, and dance the limbo!

Girl STEM student studying rotational speed with a gyroscope.Day 2: You Spin Me Round

Spin to win in this gyroscope powered exploration of rotational speed, 3D axes, and some truly dizzying concepts brought to life through tornadoes, spinning games, big wheels and more.

STEM students studying air pressure using an air pressure sensor.Day 3: Under Pressure

Explore the mysteries of air pressure and its impact on everything from bomb cyclones to animal behavior as you calculate the weight of air, etch-a-sketch with volume, and solve a data mystery that ends with a bang!


STEM students racing up a set of stairs to measure changes in altitude based on air pressure changes.Day 4: Up, Up, and Away

Students use an altimeter to explore the remarkable relationship between altitude and air pressure by using Google Earth, running stairs, calculating accuracy, and more. 

STEM students exploring air quality using a VOC sensor.Day 5: Hunting the Wild VOCs

Students take on Indoor Air Quality investigations with the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) sensor!




STEM student analyzing light intensity using a light sensor.Day 6: Lighten Up!

Students investigate the color and intensity of light in this eye opening exploration of the characteristics of light using ambient light and color sensors.



STEM student exploring magnetic fields using a magnetometer.Day 7: Laws of Attraction

Solve the mystery of why opposites attract in this exciting journey through magnetic fields using the databot magnetometer.



STEM students studying humidity and exhaled water vapor using a humidity sensor.Day 8: Mister Moisture

Using the humidity sensor students learn about calibration, moisture in the air, chemical reactions that can extract moisture from the air and more!



STEM students studying acceleration using an accelerometer.Day 9: Don’t Hesitate, Accelerate!

Students master 3D cartesian coordinates and the force of acceleration as they match acceleration graphs, leap, twist, hop, and cavort in this highly interactive exploration of the databot accelerometer.



STEM students moving as Ninjas with no acceleration.Day 10: Ninja Physics!

Joust with gravity and acceleration in this thrilling blend of physics and Ninja Training. Can you move with zero acceleration? Can you balance gravity in the palm of your hand? Use the databot accelerometer to find out!

STEM students studying a time of flight sensor using a LASER to measure distance.Day 11: Measurement Madness!

Leaping LASERs! Students explore high-tech measurement methods in this fast paced exploration of the Time of Flight proximity sensor.

STEM students conducting a chemical reaction experiment and studying data on their smart phone.Day: Ready, Set, Reaction!

Reactants, products, and fizzing fun all come together in this databot™ dive into the science behind chemical reactions with temperature and CO2 sensors.


Camp License for Digital Download

This product, The Discovery of Data Camp, is provided to the purchaser under perpetual license for a single facility.  Here are the license terms in simple language, please contact us if you’d like to review the full license before purchasing.

  • This digital PDF mission guide can be printed unlimited times or used by any number of individuals on any number of devices within the facility, for example a school building.
  • When you purchase your copy, you will be presented with a download link and an order number.  Your order number is your license number for future reference.
  • If you would like to use it in another location or locations, please purchase additional licenses for those locations.
  • This material is licensed, not sold, so ownership is retained by the publisher, databot LLC.
  • You are expected to exercise reasonable practices to protect this content and its copyright from unlicensed distribution or use.

These are the basic guidelines for the digital download of the databot™ Discovery of Data Camp publication.  Contact us with any questions and best wishes!