Video Gallery

databot™ in Motion!

Check out our 30 second teaser video highlighting the incredible new databot™ 2.0.  This tiny but mighty device is loaded with power and possibilities for STEM education professionals, hobbyists, tinkerers, robot lovers – everyone!

Science educators, afterschool program providers, STEM and CTE educators will all love the simplicity of databot™ and how fast and easy it is to start working with live data! This 60 second setup video shows how to be up and running in no time!

Check out real-time coding with sensors and MicroBlocks® in this video.  MicroBlocks makes interacting with the scientific sensors on board databot™ a snap and encourages a tinkering approach as students can see real-time effects as they change their code!

Check out this awesome STEAM application using databot’s gesture sensor and programmable RGB LEDs!  Check out the getting started with MicroBlocks manual and look for the “Grand Gesture” how-to.  It is so simple to create interactive art experiences that combine sensors, light and sound you will be amazed! 

An awesome educational mission in which students learn about encryption, decryption, wireless communications, and more as they build a communications solution between two separate systems.

Students at Falcon Ridge Charter School take on the Roy G Biv invitational – a coding challenge in which students take on the role of software engineer to develop an engaging game of light tag for a client.

An amazing hunt for Pirate Gold using databot™’s magnetometer. See this Pirate Adventure for some very unique inspiration on potential STEM explorations using sensors!

A quick look at a new Design Challenge from our databot™ Missions series. Students have been hired as sports scientists to help a golf pro with her putter game! They must design a system to deliver the “perfect putt” each time to show her all of the mechanics behind putting. Using databot™, they measure the force of each strike, the distance traveled, and then adjust their code to ultimately develop the Perfect Putter!

Spin Cycle is an awesome design challenge for students combining data visualization and analysis from databot™ with LEGO® Robotics Spike Prime!  The career focus in this mission is Accessibility Engineering.  You can download the full mission and building plans here!

Another awesome databot™ integration challenge with LEGO® robotics! Analyze and correlate the sound intensity output to the windmill RPM. Devise methods to reduce harmful and disruptive sound levels associated with wind energy generation.

databot™ is being embraced all over the planet by makers, doers, and creators as they learn how easy it is to add live sensor data to enhance their projects, builds, and educational explorations.  Check out this 3D printed connector that enables the quickl connection to your latest and greatest LEGO™ projects!

Another awesome databot™ integration challenge with LEGO® robotics! Analyze and correlate the sound intensity output to the windmill RPM. Devise methods to reduce harmful and disruptive sound levels associated with wind energy generation.

This awesome LEGO® – databot™ integration shows how databot™ could be applied to industrial control mechanisms. In this case we are using a. magnetometer to monitor revolutions on a Ferris Wheel but the application could be used in many instances. 

Watch databot™ and LEGO® communicate by light to sound off an alarm when databot™ detects high CO2 levels! Yeah!

Need some inspiration for getting that core into shape? Look no more as your databot™ ROBOMaster fitness trainer works beside you to show you the form and perspiration required to execute the perfect situp!

Igor Arseniuk explores Python and OpenCV with databot™ – imagine all the possibilities!

We are thrilled to be working with MicroBlocks to bring ultra fast physical computing to students using databot™!  

See students at Falcon Ridge Charter school explore Volcanology and save Sumatran villagers from a waking volcano!

Using a PCA9685 servo controller Igor Arseniuk has created an automated RR crossing system using databot™ sensors and microcontroller capabilities. Pure Arduino awesome!

Combining forces with an Arduino, databot™ provides proximity sensor data that triggers smart lights to go on and off illuminating the steps on a staircase!

databot™ is an awesome tool for data powered robotic missions whether you are just practicing driving or trying to identify the source of dangerous fumes using a remote controlled vehicle.  This video is an RPM challenge – can you spin your ‘bot at a perfect rate of 6 RPM?

Check out this incredible video of databot™ having a live chat with Microsoft Excel!  Using the Add-In Data Streamer, you can connect directly to databot™ and live stream sensor data directly into Excel.  AWESOME POSSUM!

databot™ 2.0 – tiny but mighty!  Check out this #awesome experiment in which Vizeey™ and databot™ explore the Law of Conservation of Energy!

An awesome demonstration of the onboard physical computing capabilities of databot™. Check out the light and sound show that is perfect for celebrating the holiday season!

Simple example of using dataBlockly™ with databot™ to create an awesome CO2 sensor alarm!  

Check out the data display in this video and see if you can answer the question “Why does the data show a sudden drop in altitude when the drone is actually taking off?”

Endurance test as Tello Edu packs 34 grams of databot™ in a stable hovering position.  Looks like about 4 minutes – enough for a well planned mission for sure!

Maiden voyage of Jeffries Epps, CEO of STEMerald City in North Carolina.  He’s collecting accelerometer data as he pilots databot™ around the room!

The Agastya International Foundation in India is introducing hands-on data collection and analysis to thousands of Agastya students in India.  Awesome!

Denise Staffa-Wright is a STEM Ambassador for NASA and passionate advocate for STEM education.  Check out this awesome but simple introduction to using databot™ sensors for identifying exoplanets! 

A fast creative introduction to databot™ from a passionate STEM Ambassador! Thanks to Denise Staffa-Wright for your creative explorations!

Sakshi Baid is a Team databot™ member and awesome science communicator.  Check out this 60 second video in which talks about how scientists measure things – even light! Check out the full lesson plan here:

Join Sakshi Baid in her exploration of the accelerometer on-board databot™. Can we really visualize the force of gravity?!

Sakshi talks about Air Quality and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and uses databot™ to explore the safety of the ambient air she is breathing. Check out the full lesson plan here:

Sakshi Baid introduces us to some of the characteristics of sound intensity with some engaging databot™ challenges.  Can you draw with decibels?  Check it out and see!

Sakshi challenges students to hop, skip, leap, and cavort to achieve the highest possible level of acceleration! See the full lesson plan here:

Sakshi explore the mysteries of air pressure and how we can use it to calculate our altitude! See the full lesson plan here:

STEM and CTE educators may wish to go beyond the simplicity of the visualization software and dive into all kinds of fun activities streaming serial data.  This is great for design challenges, integrating with other robotics systems, and more. databot™ is super simple out-of-the-box but incredibly powerful for those who want to hack it up! See our online manual for in-depth treatments of a variety of topics.

STEM and  CTE educators will love the Design Challenge opportunities afforded by databot™ in which you can integrate multiple platforms, tie in 3D design and printing, and much more.  This is a short video on a cool project done by a Pennsylvania technology teacher.

This is pure holiday databot™ fun as students are challenged to the Headless Horseman Halloween dilemma. Click to see the full Design Challenge!

databot™ puts on a special light show in celebration of Diwali! 

Andy Wall is a Technology and Innovation teacher in Missouri who developed an awesome learning module around mask efficacy to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus.  A great example of real-world problems being tackled by real data and real science.  Read the full blog here.

This is a quick demonstration of a powerful Phyphox feature. Using one databot™, if your budget is limited, you can cast the data to all the devices in your classroom that have a browser!  Imagine 30 Chromebooks receiving the live data stream from your experiment demo that students download and analyze in your selected software!

Check out this demonstration of an endothermic reaction from the CO2 Science Series Unit – Ready, Set, Reaction!

Design Challenges are a popular tool for CTE and STEM educators to get students thinking outside of the box, innovating, and developing real-world, relevant projects.  Our databot™ Design Challenge gallery is growing, but this one is a lot of fun.  Launched for Thanksgiving 2020, students are challenged to create a walking, talking Turkey using databot and other resources to hand.   Check out the full Challenge here.

Ashley Pereira is an expert in STEM education and STEM careers and consults with schools and programs to create and improve workforce development initiatives.   She published a blog on the Best STEM Gifts for 2020  and featured a review of databot™ in which she tested it out with her elementary grade children.  This video is her live video review with her children!

databot™ is loaded with light and sound capabilities that facilitate physical computing. Check out this fun video example and watch them chatter!

Happy Holidays 2021 from Team databot™ and databot™2.0! Smaller, lighter, and more powerful than version 1.0 – check out the awesome programmable RGB LEDs!

A Merry Christmas from Team databot™! See the remarkable physical computing capabilities of databot™ showing off a brilliant white glow against a Christmas Tree background! Happy Holidays to all!

Ready to Join databot™ Lovers Around the World?

Please join us!  Learn more about databot™ in our getting started section or browse our Blogs to learn more about how people are using databot™ and what’s going on. 

Questions?   Contact us and schedule a quick, online demonstration of databot™. We’re fun, efficient, and looking forward to learning about your programs.  

Thanks for exploring databot™!