Missions with LEGO® Robotics Bundle

Purchase this bundle and get databots (pick your variation) plus the 137 page, action-packed Missions with LEGO® Robotics (digital download).  The eight included Mission Guides provide you with everything needed to get started.  All missions include detailed, step-by-step support for integrating data collection and analysis into your current program. These mission builds and instructions are designed for the LEGO® Spike Prime educators kit #45678 but can easily be modified for earlier Mindstorms® kits.


Do You Love LEGO® Robotics? Add a Whole New Dimension with databot™!


Class pack of databots plus Missions with LEGO CurriculumThis incredible bundle includes databot kits plus our Missions with LEGO® Robotics publication!  The included 130+ page Missions manual provides eight awesome, data-driven missions to challenge your students to solve problems using live sensor data from databot™! All missions include detailed step-by-step support for integrating data collection and analysis into your current LEGO® program.  The mission builds and instructions are designed for the LEGO® Spike Prime Educators kit #45678 (Not Included) but can be easily modified for earlier Mindstorms® kits.

Mission #3: Putter Perfection. Biomechanical Engineering & Sports Science.

Each mission is a career oriented scenario that poses a challenge to be overcome through the use of data.  For example, mission #3, Putter Perfection, shown here is a sports science and engineering challenge.  Your team has been hired by a professional golfer to help her improve her performance – her putting game is off!  Here is an excerpt from the Background information on the mission.

Your team has been hired as biomechanical engineers by a professional golfer experiencing a career slump – her putting game is off! You will help her by demonstrating how to deliver perfect putts to a target 6′ away. Do this by adjusting the force of impact from LEGO® motor speed and swing angle. Work as a team. The data scientist will evaluate each round of code and the coder will adjust the force accordingly until the putting is “perfection.” Two forces that affect a golf ball are gravity and friction. Putting combines mass (the club head) and acceleration (the swing) to deliver a force to the ball to overcome gravity and friction.

Everything You Need – Just Add your LEGO® Kits and Go! 
Mission #1: Spin Cycle. Accessibility Engineering.

With this bundle you select your ‘bot quantity, add your existing LEGO® kits, and  you will have everything you need to enhance your LEGO® Robotics summer camp, after-school program, CTE or STEM program or your homeschooling efforts. Here’s what in your Missions Bundle:

  •  Each databot Kit Includes
    • databot
    • MicroUSB charging & coding cable
    • Temperature Probe
    • Lanyard
    • Explorer Pouch for Storage
  • Background Materials
  • Career Connections
  • Real World Examples
  • Build Plans
  • Coding Instructions: Spike Prime
  • databot™ Coding with MicroBlocks®
  • Vizeey™ Data Collection and Visualization App
  • Custom Vizeey™ App Experiments
  • Extension Challenges
  • Data Collection Tables and Worksheets
  • Step by Step Instructions for Data Analysis
  • Standards Alignments: NGSS, ISTE, TEKS, CBSE
Career Scenario & Background
Detailed Coding Instructions
Detailed Building Instructions
Data Collection & Analysis Steps
Data Analysis Worksheets



For Grades 4 and Up

These missions include complete instructions for creating the builds and integrating the data collection and analysis experience. For younger students conducting the builds and being introduced to collecting and visualizing data will be very useful.  For older students there are advanced extensions and challenges in addition to data worksheets and calculations.

Technical Requirements

For fast and easy  sensor experiments the only technical requirement is to have a smart device (IOS or Android) such as a tablet or smartphone with Bluetooth to connect to databot™.  You download our free app, Vizeey™, connect to databot and you’re up and running!  For coding databot™ the MicroBlocks® coding environment is designed to run on Windows/MacOS/Chromebooks in a browser environment.  No software installation required!

Weight .5625 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 5.5 × 2.6 in
databot Quantity

Single (1), Twin Pack (2), Classpack (10)

Table of Contents

databot™ Missions with LEGO® Robotics

Table of Contents


Mission 1: Spin Cycle

An accessibility company has developed a prototype of a new type of wheelchair that includes a variety of autonomous features to assist persons with disabilities. The wheelchair under development must have precise control of rotational speed for cornering and turning. Too fast a speed could potentially cause harm and too slow a speed is inefficient. Your team has been hired as Accessibility Engineers to develop the code to deliver a precise rotational speed of 6 RPM for this new wheelchair design. Your mission is to prepare and test the code and refine its accuracy using the data visualization app Vizeey™ and databot™’s gyroscope to measure the chair’s angular velocity.


Mission 2: CO2 Alarm!

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a key indicator of indoor air quality (IAQ). Your team of indoor air quality professionals has been hired to study the air quality in a fitness center using a CO2 sensor and to design an alarm system that will alert center staff if  indoor air quality is being compromised! 

The LEGO® Spike Prime system does not include CO2 detection capabilities so you must engineer a system integration that will enable communications between two separate systems:  the CO2 monitoring system and the alarm system. In this mission students use both the Spike Prime coding environment as well as the MicroBlocks® coding environment to control databot™.

Mission 3: Putter Perfection

Your team has been hired as biomechanical engineers by a professional golfer experiencing a career slump – her putting game is off! You will help her by demonstrating how to deliver perfect putts to a target 6′ away. Do this by adjusting the force of impact from LEGO® motor speed and swing angle. Work as a team. The data scientist will evaluate each round of code and the coder will adjust the force accordingly until the putting is “perfection.” Two forces that affect a golf ball are gravity and friction. Putting combines mass (the club head) and acceleration (the swing) to deliver a force to the ball to overcome gravity and friction.


Mission 4: Ferris Wheel

A new Ferris Wheel is being installed in an amusement park. Your team of engineers and test equipment specialists have been hired to test and adjust the ride speed for comfort and ride duration for this attraction. The Ferris wheel should provide a smooth and stable ride for passengers, with minimal vibration or wobble of the passenger cars and no discomfort to the riders. Passengers should also be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding area. In the attraction, the passenger cars are attached to the wheel’s outer rim in such a way that all the cars move in a circle. A uniform circular motion is a periodic motion that repeats at certain equal intervals of time. The angular (rotational) and linear velocity of the car in such motion is related to its period and frequency of rotation.


Mission 5: Whirlpool!

A small whirlpool has begun to form near the ocean shore where people often surf. Your team has been hired as Geophysicists to study the whirlpool and its potential threat to human life.

Your team will use Vizeey™ and the databot™ gyroscope to research and document scientific data regarding the speed of the water at which the whirlpool can pull a person into the vortex. The strength of a whirlpool can be measured using rotational speed measurements which can indicate the energy and intensity of the vortex.


Mission 6: Morse Code

Your team of experienced cryptographers has been invited to design and test a new communication network for exchanging information between the staff of two research laboratories.

Data encryption and decryption are essential techniques used to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. A company that specializes in highly sensitive medical research needs your team to create a secure communications device that transmits messages using the optical transmission method. One team member will encrypt and transmit data and the other will receive and decrypt using Morse Code as the encryption key.



Mission 7: G-Force!

Space tourism becomes reality as the International Space Station opens up for space tourists! As experienced Simulator Technicians and Mechanical Engineers, you have been hired to design a machine that will prepare space travelers for the high levels of G Forces expected during the flight. This type of training helps astronauts to prepare for the changes in gravitational forces they will experience during launch, reentry, and spaceflight.

For the mission, your team will build a centrifuge to train future astronauts to withstand 3.5 Gs of acceleration by measuring the acceleration imparted by the centrifuge using the databot™ accelerometer.


Mission 8: Getting Warmer!

Global warming is caused by human activity, but it is  possible to mitigate the effects and reduce the negative impacts on our climateGreening can help prevent climate change. Your team has been hired as Environmental engineers to determine the best trees to plant based on carbon sequestration.

For this mission, using a machine designed to provide perfect control over inclination, the databot™ inclinometer, and a mathematical formula your team will calculate the amount of carbon stored in a particular tree by measuring its height and girth.

Vizeey™ Smart App

Vizeey™ – Fast & Easy Data Collection, Visualization, and Analysis!


What is Vizeey?

databot™ comes with the free app Vizeey™ (IOS, Android, Chromebook) for visualizing, collecting, analyzing, and exporting data. This incredible app makes interacting with live sensor data a snap.  databot™ Missions with LEGO® Robotics integrate Vizeey™ with some missions and the real-time coding environment MicroBlocks™ on others. For visualizing and interacting with live data during your Mission experiences, Vizeey™ is so easy to use your students will be inspired to explore with data all the time! databot™ provides a number of free lessons to promote the exploration of scientific concepts through sensors.  Sensor Starter activities provide students with engaging, highly interactive introductions to the various sensors on board databot™ and the related science explorations that can be done.


How Does Vizeey™ Work?

Vizeey™ is preconfigured to easily capture data from all of the onboard databot™ sensors and custom experiments for the Missions with LEGO™ Robotics have been developed to make data analysis fun and easy for students.  Simply tap an icon and the preconfigured experiment will load, you connect to your databot™ built neatly into your Mission device and begin the experiment. The image shown here is from Putter Perfection and the graph is showing two spikes in acceleration, the first is the backswing and the second spike is the putter force. Students adjust the swing angle and motor speed to tune the machine to deliver consistent results based on reading this data.


Vizeey™ Video Demonstration – 60 Second Setup!

MicroBlocks® Coding

Meet MicroBlocks®!


MicroBlocks® is a block programming language for physical computing inspired by Scratch. It runs on a number of microcontrollers including databot™! This remarkable drag and drop environment provides full access to databot™ hardware giving you control over sensors, lights, sound, file storage, and even IOT functions such as MQTT enabling the rapid construction of remote data dashboards.

MicroBlocks® provides an extraordinary coding experience as it updates and downloads in real-time as you code. Perfect for tinkering, you can try code modifications and see immediate results. When your code is perfected simply unplug and go as it updates databot™ as you code. No laborious download times!

Mission Videos

databot® Missions with LEGO® Robotics – Videos!


Mission 1: Spin Cycle

Mission 2: CO2 Alarm! 

Mission 3: Putter Perfection!

Mission 4: Ferris Wheel

Mission 5: Whirlpool

Mission 6: Morse Code

Mission 7: G-Force

Mission 8: You’re Getting Warmer!

databot Curriculum

Our mission at databot is to make interacting with and understanding data and technology a beautiful, fun, and ubiquitous experience that crosses the traditional boundaries of all learning environments. The world is driven by data and we are driven to teach future generations how to use it for good. We create data powered technology and brilliant learning activities that empower students everywhere to think deeply, explore with passion, and solve our planetary scale challenges.

databot was created to function as a highly versatile, multi-purpose tool capable of enhancing activities in all the core sciences as well as STEAM topics such as coding and physical computing.   We offer various types of lesson plans and activities that range from quick and easy starters to more in-depth classroom explorations. In addition, there are a number of how-to’s and getting started tutorials for using databot in other applications such as Excel, programming with MicroBlocks® or Python, etc. Read on to learn more about the resources available to educators using databot.

Sensor Starters

databot Sensor Starters are a great way for students (and educators) to quickly get familiar with the sensors on board databot and their capabilities.  Each sensor starter includes background information that explains how the sensor works, what it is sensing, what are the units used, how it is used in the real world, and even where it lives on databot!  Once background information has been reviewed, there are two engaging activities that immediately put students into engaging, interactive experiences with live sensor data!

Snapshot of 2 pages from the accelerometer sensor starter.

Explore Sensor Starters in the Lessons & Activities section of the website and see how easy and how much fun science with sensors can be!

Coding Starters

Easy to follow Coding Starter activity cards walk educators and students, step-by-step, through beginning to advanced topics. Each Coding Starter includes 2-3 activities that can be done in about 15 minutes and focus on specific skills over a sequence of time.

Coding Starter activity card showing the block code for reading a light sensor.

Explore Coding Starters in the Lessons & Activities section of the website and see how easy and how much fun coding for science with sensors can be!


databot Explorations are one-hour units designed to meet specific learning objectives and standards across a wide variety of subjects ranging from physics and chemistry to earth science and biology.  These Explorations provide you with comprehensive materials to prepare for your lesson:

  • Background information
  • Pre-configured experiments that you load into the Vizeey app
  • Four experiments consisting of two short activities, a l0nger experiment, and a challenge / extension.
  • Additional resources for deeper investigations
  • Guiding questions for discussion
  • Data sheets
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Standards alignments

Side by side sample pages from a databot Exploration learning module.

Tour databot Explorations in the Lessons and Activities section of our website to to see an Exploration module in-depth.

Discovery of Data Summer and Enrichment Camp

databot Camp curriculum provides a detailed, day-by-day roadmap for facilitating engaging, unique, data driven STEAM experiences.  Ideal for after-school and summer camp programs these camp manuals are designed to make implementation simple for staff members ranging from high school volunteers to professional educators.  The daily guides and resources provide all the details you will need to guide discussion, facilitate awesome experiences with students as they explore math, physics, chemistry, and earth science through physical interactions with sensor data.

Side by side sample pages from the Discovery of Data summer camp curriculum.


databot Missions are career oriented experiences that pose various real-life scenarios that students must solve through the creative application of data collection and analysis.  Missions are designed around various STEAM devices popular in classrooms such as the following “Volcanic Vistas” designed around the popular Tello drone.

Side by side sample pages of a databot drone based mission called Volcanic Vistas

Another mission example is the 130+ page  databot Missions with LEGO® Robotics curriculum which provides a comprehensive manual for LEGO® Robotics educators to integrate data collection and analysis using sensors into their current program.

Side by side sample pages from the Missions with LEGO Robotics mission guide.

Detailed How-Tos and Technical Guides

Whether you are looking to use databot fast and simple out of the box using Vizeey or an uber-geek looking to create an automated greenhouse complete with IOT dashboards and sensor controlled watering systems databot has what you need.  Visit our technical library for details on coding environments, software integrations such as Excel or Python, and extensive documentation on pinouts, datasheets, and the technical information you need for creating just about anything you can imagine.

Side by side images of how to documents for technical uses of databot such as coding.

License for Digital Download

This product, databot™ Missions with LEGO® Robotics, is provided to the purchaser under perpetual license for a single facility.  Here are the license terms in simple language, please contact us if you’d like to review the full license before purchasing.

  • This digital PDF mission guide can be printed unlimited times or used by any number of individuals on any number of devices within the facility, for example a school building.
  • When you purchase your copy, you will be presented with a download link and an order number.  Your order number is your license number for future reference.
  • If you would like to use it in another location or locations, please purchase additional licenses for those locations.
  • This material is licensed, not sold, so ownership is retained by the publisher, Arbotics LLC.
  • You are expected to exercise reasonable practices to protect this content and its copyright from unlicensed distribution or use.

These are the basic guidelines for the digital download of the databot™ Missions with LEGO® Robotics publication.  Contact us with any questions and best wishes!