Dall-E generated image of a class conducting environmental science experiments with databot.

NGSS Lesson Plan Generator!


Over the past months, we’ve experimented with generative AI to develop more databot support resources for educators.  The result is a custom GPT trained specifically on databot capabilities and sensors designed to generate  lessons aligned with NGSS standards. You can drop in a prompt and it will create a complete databot lesson plan including materials, setup, representative images, worksheets (if desired), and assessment questions. Check out the Environmental Science exploration below.

Disclaimer: This is not perfect but a very useful tool for getting started with your lesson planning if you are looking to accomplish a specific standard or learning objective.

More fine tuning will continue moving the needle toward better outputs. We will also tune to provide alignments to Common Core, CBSE, TEKS, Cambridge, etc. This is a great new resource for databot educators now doing amazing things in the classroom.

This tool requires the “Pro Version” of ChatGPT which costs $20/month.  If you’d like a demonstration to try a few prompts without buying just contact us – we’ll do a live demo and you can ask it anything you want!  

Here is the link to the Custom GPT NGSS Lesson Generator – ENJOY!

Dall-E generated image of a class conducting environmental science experiments with databot.

Dall-E Generated Title Image for “Discovering Our Ecosystem”

Discovering Our Ecosystem

Grade Level: 5th Grade

NGSS Objective: 5-ESS3-1: Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.

Overview: In this lesson, students will explore the basics of environmental science through hands-on activities using the databot™ sensor device. They will investigate the quality of air in different areas of their school environment, measuring parameters like CO2, temperature, humidity, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This activity will encourage students to think critically about the environment and how various factors can affect air quality.


  • Databot™ multi-sensor device
  • Vizeey IOS or Android App
  • Worksheets for data collection and analysis
  • Clipboard and pencils
  • Map of the school and surrounding area

Duration: 60 Minutes

AI image showing students gathering data with sensor devices.

This photorealistic image showcases students in various school settings — classroom, playground, cafeteria, and hallway — actively using the small, palm-sized databot™ device.                            — ChatGPT

Activity Steps

1. Introduction to Environmental Science (10 minutes)

  • Begin with a discussion on what the environment is and why it’s important to keep it healthy.
  • Introduce the databot™ and explain how it can help us understand our environment better.

2. Planning the Investigation (10 minutes)

  • Divide students into small groups.
  • Each group chooses different locations around the school (e.g., classroom, cafeteria, playground, near a busy road) to investigate.
  • Discuss what types of environmental factors might affect air quality.

3. Data Collection (20 minutes)

  • Groups visit their chosen locations with the databot™.
  • They use the databot™ to measure CO2 levels, temperature, humidity, and VOCs.
  • Students record their data on the provided worksheets.

Students analyze environmental data with a smart app.

4. Data Analysis and Discussion (15 minutes)

  • Groups return to the classroom and input their data into the Vizeey app to visualize their results.
  • Each group shares their findings with the class, discussing variations and potential reasons for different air quality in various locations.

5. Reflection and Conclusion (5 minutes)

  • Discuss how the quality of our environment affects our health and well-being.
  • Brainstorm ways we can help improve the quality of the environment in and around the school.



  • Data Collection Worksheet: Spaces for recording measurements at each location.
  • Analysis Questions:
    1. Which location had the highest CO2 levels? Why do you think this was the case?
    2. How did the temperature and humidity vary between indoors and outdoors?
    3. What actions can we take to improve air quality in the areas with higher pollution?

Extension Activities

  • Create a school-wide campaign to raise awareness about environmental protection.
  • Plan a tree-planting event on the school grounds.

This lesson plan encourages students to become active participants in understanding and protecting their environment, fostering a sense of responsibility and curiosity about the natural world.

About databot™

databot™ learning solutions transform the way K12 students experience data, science, and technology.  In the classroom, after-school, and in the home, our mission is to make interacting with and understanding data a beautiful, fun, and ubiquitous experience. One that crosses the traditional boundaries of all learning environments.  The world is driven by data and we are driven to teach future generations how to use it for good.  We create data powered technology and brilliant learning activities that empower students everywhere to think deeply, explore with passion, and solve our planetary scale challenges. 

If you don’t have databot yet you can buy one here

