Student dressed in Ninja Attire with a beam of light emitting from her palm. She is surrounded by beautiful data visualizations and scientific symbols.

databot™ Offers Free Ninja Physics for All

Teenage ninjas all gathered together exploring the physics of motion with formulas and scientific data displayed in the sky above them.

Join the Worldwide Ninja Physics Movement!

Join Ninja Walkers around the world by downloading our free curriculum sample that includes app instructions and everything you need to begin conducting smartphone based physics explorations today. Go Ninjas!

What is Ninja Physics?

databot ™ Sensor Science Initiative

In the course of developing the databot™ product and software we became familiar with using the sensors built in to smart devices to conduct  science activities. Devices vary, but nearly all smart devices – phones or tablets – will have an accelerometer on board.  That is how your device determines orientation when you rotate your phone from portrait to landscape.  After working with a number of organizations in developing countries that had very few technology resources available we decided we could bring some of our databot style sensor activities to the world for free.  It’s a great way to learn more about databot and what we do, and it’s an awesome learning experience for your students!
We now offer Ninja Physics to organizations around the world through a program we call the Sensor Science Initiative (SSI). Our first free curriculum unit is called Ninja Physics and it engages students in physical interaction with accelerometer data gathered on a smart device (IOS or Android). All you need to use this material is our free app and a smart phone or tablet with a built in accelerometer. 
About Ninja Physics – the Activity
  • Ninja Physics is an activity unit that provides students with an opportunity to explore 3D cartesian coordinates, acceleration due to gravity, and acceleration using sensors on a smart device.
  • The activity series can be conducted in about an hour, although if you have a large group of students and only a few devices it may take longer to give everyone an opportunity to do the activities.
  • It is appropriate for grades six and older, but can also be easily adjusted for younger students. It is designed around physical games that students play using sensors on a smart device such as a tablet or smart phone.
  • Materials required: A smart device, either IOS or Android, and our free app Vizeey™ that you will find in your online app store. Devices vary somewhat with available sensors but all should have an accelerometer which is the sensor used in this activity.
  • Recommended for groups – a projector or large screen that can be used to display sensor values and game scores as students do the activity together.

Behold the Smart Phone Ninja!

Master Physics Like a Ninja!!

How Did All This Ninja Walking Get Started?

databot ™ Begins

In the Fall of 2019 we had just soft launched databot™ a few months earlier at the 2019 ISTE conference, showing it to early adopters and innovators and introducing ourselves to some of the major science resellers.  We were traveling a conference circuit that included regional NSTA events and CAST in Texas.  During that awesome time when we were first sharing the databot™ concept we were introducing educators to “data games” in which students physically interact with sensor data of some sort and try to accomplish challenges.  Here are a few examples of the games we played:

  • Whirling Dervish: Balance databot™ on your head maintaining a perfectly level ‘bot as indicated by your accelerometer while you turn at the rate of 1 Radian per Second as measured by your gyroscope.
  • Blow Hard: Achieve the highest CO2 reading possible using any and all scientific methods at hand.
  • Ninja Walk: Master the forces of gravity and acceleration through a steady hand and stealthy smooth movements.

Not Just Playing Around

What we discovered from these games and interactions was live data can be an engaging tool, not just when doing experiments, but also when applied in new ways like these games. The end result was a commitment to exploring this approach in more depth. Little did we know we were only a few months out from a global pandemic at the time and things were going to change so dramatically for educators, students, and families. 


Being locked up for months at a time can be a good thing when it drives you to be creative just to keep from going mad.  Long story short, we invested time, money, and resources into exploring the data game concept.  We taught virtual classes in which students were walking like Ninjas in front of their webcams and eagerly sharing their results with their classmates.  We worked on a software platform that could facilitate these experiences and knew we could do some of these things without additional hardware – just using your smartphone.   

Unleash the Ninja

The final conclusion?  Wow – children can be doing these activities anywhere on the planet with a smart device – let’s unleash this Ninja!  Fortuitously during lockdown we had developed a relationship with a very well established NGO in India, Agastya International Foundation, that just happens to reach 1.5MM students annually. In early 2022 we announced our goal to reach 1,000 Agastya students  Ninja Physics! In less than six weeks we blew past that number and now students and educators from all over the planet have joined the project.  Awesome Possum!

Whirling Dervish

Blow Hard

Ninja Walk

databot - Revolutionize STEM education

databot™'s Commitment to a Brighter Future

the databot™ mission statement tackles some of the major issues facing our planet today –  Data Literacy and Critical Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, Environmental awareness, and STEAM education.  We align our mission with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals with a special emphasis on SDG #4.

‘We create technology and brilliant activities that empower students everywhere to think deeply, explore with passion, and solve our planetary scale challenges.”

Ninja Physics is our first free, app-based curriculum release that can be done easily by educators in any environment with only a smart device.  More titles are in the works and we’re looking forward to releasing them – stand by!

About databot™

databot™ learning solutions transform the way K12 students experience data, science, and technology.  In the classroom, after-school, and in the home, our mission is to make interacting with and understanding data a beautiful, fun, and ubiquitous experience. One that crosses the traditional boundaries of all learning environments.  The world is driven by data and we are driven to teach future generations how to use it for good.  We create data powered technology and brilliant learning activities that empower students everywhere to think deeply, explore with passion, and solve our planetary scale challenges. databot™ is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, USA.

Contact us to share ideas, comments, and learn more about our products and mission.

databot™ and the NGSS Fourth Practice

Important Practices to Master: The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are an impressive body of work developed to guide science education for the 21st century.  One of the three cornerstones of the NGSS are the eight Science and Engineering Practices that  are identified as essential for all students to learn.  Importantly, the 4th practice is Analyzing and Interpreting data.  Whenever students are conducting data oriented activities such as those using databot™, they are learning to collect and analyze data – an invaluable skill that can be applied to any career of the 21st century.  The more comfortable we can make our students when interacting with data today, the more successful they will be tomorrow.

databot Rocks! Get Yours Today!

Hands-down there is no educational technology on the planet that is a better value for educators looking to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and explorers to become world change agents!  One device empowers students to explore science phenomena in chemistry, physics, earth science, and life science at the tap of an icon.  It is also completely programmable with light, sound, and expansion ports for integration with other systems ranging from robots to drones. Wow.

 Tiny enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but rugged and versatile for all kinds of STEAM explorations you can launch it on a rocket, control a robot, create an interactive light show, fly a drone mission, collect environmental data, and so much more.   Join the databot™ family and begin your explorations today!

About the Author

Robert Grover is a proponent of STEAM education and educational technology that helps engage and develop the students of today into the thoughtful leaders of tomorrow.