databot™ - Innovative STEM tool

300 Ways to Use databot™

Since our first submission on March 27th, we’ve now received nearly 300 official entries into the databot™ giveaway and with them have come hundreds of original and exciting ideas about how to use databot™. The giveaway, in which we will give away 5 databot™ kits, will continue through the end of the month, officially concluding May 31, 2019. If you have not entered yet, or want to enter again, here’s the link. Remember, you can enter as many times as you like, you just need to submit a new idea with each entry. In our blog post this week we wanted to take a minute to highlight some of the awesome ideas submitted to give you an idea of what we’re seeing. May is going to be an exciting month as we begin shipping databots™ to customers all over the world and wrap up this giveaway. Now, relax and scroll through a few pages of the magnificent ideas that have been flowing our way!


Install as a payload in high power model rocket designs in order to gather data of each flight, so that you may understand the effects of different rocket designs, as well as study different atmospheric temperatures and pressures to better understand what conditions the rocket is flying in and be able to predict future outcomes.

America’s largest and oldest rocketry organization, the National Association of Rocketry, does a remarkable job of promoting safety, education, and the advancement of technology in the hobby of space modeling. If you’re not aware of it and enjoy spectacular events where large scale rockets fire into the heavens, check out their website​ and look for a local chapter.

Create the software in Python to analyze the data from it for high-power rocket launch profiles. It could become the standard for competition tracking.

A number of Career and Technology (CTE) educators have inquired about using data collected in databot™ experiments to create advanced challenges for their students. Using the Python programming language to analyze and present results is a fantastic idea – and a very real-world use!

Use it as a telemetry device, in the payload bay of a rocket. Attach its own parachute and harness, so that at apogee it can be released to collect all available environmental data it would be capable of. I’m sure more kids would try to catch the ‘satellite’ than the actual rocket that deployed it.

Based on what I read about it, it would be cool to use the gyroscope and accelerometer, and altimeter, for tests involving model rockets and maybe collecting data on movement.

Use the databot to create an ultra-compact avionics bay for a level-1 high-power Rocket. I will be going for my level 1 certification this summer and would like to include this system in my rocket for data collection and analysis. I may also include arduino and/or raspberry pi components and compare their measurements.

Use data bot as a payload for amateur aerospace scale prototype vehicles! Integrated with drones,rocketry, and high altitude aero stats.

I build model rockets and make my own rocket engines and have for years teamed up with schools and their science teachers to launch rockets with payload cameras and different kinds of measurement devices. A device like this would be a game changer and the sky is literally the limit to what we could teach these kids using such a great learning tool. Using these in a payload could be a long term measurement of our changing climate…and putting this in the hands of the kids would open their minds to science. Not saying my idea is good enough to win…but I am excited for these anyway and would love more info…please email me any info I could use. Thank you.

Incredible ideas from rocket lovers everywhere! The idea to use databot™ to capture environmental data and apply it to understanding and affecting climate change issues has been a popular area as well.


Using this data it to check data outside, as in the world. Maybe we can use this data to help with climate change, to change our world into a better pristine environment!

databot™ - Innovative STEM tool
Glacial Lakes in Bhutan

See how databots compare to current weather sensors in terms of weather and climate modeling.

For the technically inclined, full details on the sensors on board databot™ are provided in the product descriptions in the store. Just go to any product in the databot™ store and look for the information tab “Deep Geek.” Full sensor details and links to data sheets are all there!

If enough of these databots are used by enough people, those people might actually start to take action against runaway climate change. I think that putting them out in communities in live demonstrations is great thing, even if the intended purpose is to sell them. I think that people having a real way to put hands onto a device like this will make them better understand and better relate to the scientists, engineers and politicians who are trying to help heal our planet. I think that that idea of connection and realization should be the focus of the demonstrations.

For children to collect data on the tropical environment and nature, and design sustainability measures to counter climate change!

Using databot™ to test for toxic fumes, dangerous environments, improve air quality, and help people in various ways has been a consistent theme among entries also!

databot™ Saves the World!

I would like to use Databot to expose students to the dangers of plastic waste to our environment. I want them to explore alternatives to plastic and weigh the pros and cons of plant based materials. They will use the design thinking process to research and submit ideas can replace plastic packaging and materials that we use everyday.

I would utilize the databot to help the visually impaired by adding this to their walking sticks so that they are able to hear what is in front of them in addition to feeling it.


Measure and find a frequency that helps a student to feel safe and calm. Finding the average frequency that increases the feeling of safety and calmness, let’s students less stress.


I would love to use a databot to monitor water conditions in the pond we have located in our school’s”Nature Center”. This pond gets its water from local run-off rather than a natural stream, so monitoring the pollution levels would be a good lesson for students about human impacts on the environment.

We are brainstorming add-on packages for our 2019 product road map to include additional environmental sensors such as PM 1, 2.5, & 10, pH, ozone and others. All of these are easily accommodated with the expansion ports built into databot™. Let us know if you have ideas and needs for specific sensors that you would like to see first!

I would love to integrate the databot in my Comp Sci final project where students have to create a custom controller and software solution to help someone with a disability better interact with technology or practice a skill.


Databot could you be used by students to take air quality measurements of their homes. The information can be brought back to school and the data can be displayed using google maps to create “air quality maps” of the community. Places with high concentrations of co2 can be marked in red, those with average reading can be marked yellow, and those with excellent readings can be marked in green. These maps can be displayed in the media center. Students can also discuss how to make changes in order to improve the readings in their own homes. This is an application of hands in science that students of any age can partake in given the nature of databot.

databot™ - Innovative STEM tool
Air Quality Map of Atlanta

Drones Drones Drones!

One of the biggest response categories has been using databot™ on drones! Not surprisingly as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have become ubiquitous crossing into nearly every industry imaginable. Also, it seems that people are just naturally drawn to drones – maybe it is the lure of the freedom of flight,maybe it’s the merging of man and machine in one high speed FPV racing quad, and maybe it’s just we humans love our technology.

I would like to use it to monitor drone activity in a flight.


I would use these with my after school program where we teach about how electronics work, build drones, and how to become engineers of our future.

With all he talk that airplanes leaving long and expanding contrails are actually leaving a chemtrail I think it would be interesting to study the air quality before and one of the events and possibly file my drone through on and test the trail itself.


I teach aeronautics and space science. I’d love to set up experiments where we mount the sensor package on our drone to obtain atmospheric data at different altitudes, and also in different regional microclimates

Use with drone and trail camera to document conditions during wildlife observations without human intrusion.

Program databot to various parameters to simulate data maps focused on how various species of animals perceive life and the ways environmental factors affect their behaviour. This could be achieved by using drones or other mobile gadgets, or attaching databots to animals. It could make an interesting science project for environmental students who seek to investigate the pros and cons of human technology that affect nature

Strap one to a racing drone and perform high speed air crashes

Using the many sensors on the databot, I plan to create an autonomous delivery drone to automate simple deliveries on University Campuses


Wow – and that’s only 28 examples. In the short time it’s taken me to write this blog post this morning, we’ve had two more entries, and we will no doubt surpass 300 by the end of today. I’m inspired and amazed by the flow of creativity and positive energy that run as a common thread through all of these entries. I recently made a new friend in North Carolina, I had just read an article he had written about taking a “fast” from your smart device and reconnecting with the positive energy around us. He was totally right – it can be tough to stay positive on a daily basis when news headlines announcing this, that, and the other bad thing that happened this morning pop up on my phone every 15 minutes. However, I think databot™ may be restoring my faith in the human spirit as students, teachers, hobbyists, and professionals all share their ideas about how we can work together to make a better world with positive intentions and good technology. Final word? Here’s the latest submission posted just a few minutes ago.

I want to learn. I want to improve the planet. I’m studying small electronics at a local school. I plan to work this summer so I can study next year as well.

About the Author

Robert Grover is a proponent of STEAM education and educational technology that helps engage and develop the students of today into the thoughtful leaders of tomorrow.
